Thursday 9 July 2015

Cross Dressing and Transgender - Decoded

Cross Dressing - and Transgender
 – Decoded

In recent weeks controversy has erupted on the social network’s regarding Mr. Bruce Jenner’s (From ‘The Kardashians’ TV Series) transgender change into Ms. Caitlyn Jenner. This sparked interest in me, as an Alpha male myself I understand what it is to a man to be a man. Being a man is complicated but also quite simple. He is a provider a source of comfort and strength, not that women aren’t but a males role is hunter gatherer (Call me ‘old fashioned’ if you will) he searches and brings home food and provides shelter for his equally responsible women. By no means do I mean women are weak. I have a strong mother and strong sister my father was a strong male with a competitive spirit but I was practically raised by these two women & I’m an growing Alpha male figure. Through my natural innate understanding of both sides of the coin the ‘battle of the sex’s’ as they say I can project a moral view with unbiased eyes and heart. I don’t know Mr. Jenner but I know he’s a kind wonderful man with a rich athletic background, I do not judge him.
Jaiden Smith (Will Smiths son) was criticized earlier this year for a wearing a dress and was said that he was symbolic of the de-masculinisation of the male species. So he also inspired me to write this blog. As a matter of fact this de-masculinisation of the male species has concerned me for quite a while. I’m a gentleman, an Alpha male gentleman, I like my women strong and feisty just like myself, together we mutually benefit each-other with a bond that only allows growth and influence to others. SO from my stand point of a heterosexual I make this analysis and create this thesis.

Let’s talk Psychology by definition first.

Cross Dressing – Particularly men wearing women’s garments; Bra’s, Tank tops, Skirts etc.
This is all based on confusion. ‘I have strong feelings toward my fellow man’, ‘I have strong understanding about the female sex’.  You got such a strong sensation that you take on-board there characteristics.
The scientific term for this is Body Dysmorphic disorder: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an anxiety disorder that causes a person to have a distorted view of how they look and to spend a lot of time worrying about their appearance.
 As you can probably gather this is a social anxiety, based on pressures of status quo. This is now name from me ‘I want to fit in syndrome’. Social trends are ever changing and they seem to be getting darker and deeper, but here’s the light. What do I follow, ‘What do I follow’. It’s hard to wear what you want feel like wearing, you may seem different to your peers, friends or family. Unless they dress to a certain type of culture also: - And this is what I’m talking about… CULTURE.
Culture is who we are, what we do and what we think- What we think and we do doesn’t always make us who we are, but it contributes some of the way to making us. This is the act of evolution.
Not everything starts beautifully… somethings may start ugly they mature into something adored. This is the eternal conflict. To opposing forces that create opinion in turn create growth – expansion.

I say this because everything is a process… and in hindsight… we learn from this process, mature and develop into something better then we were. And now you have the philosophy you can understand that CHANGE IS BUMPY. You will not be confused forever and though metaphorically particles will collide and create a heat which in turn creates light. We will grow faster and stronger knowing that change is not always smooth, and accepting this can make the journey less turbulent.


Let’s talk about it.

Cross dressing first.
Unless you have a stigma about your body, we all enjoy being naked. We have lots of fun and enjoyment being naked. A bath, A shower, a run in the field, just looking at someone’s naked body inspires desire. At best, liberation: Freedom, freedom from anxiety. Not that wear clothes are bad… wearing garments that tease the eye are very stimulating & inspire grace, elegance and adoration to kick in. A good frock that barely covers the body is very evocative; A powerful tool indeed.

Now I spoke about freedom walking around your house naked feels naughty at times, or opening the door in your boxer shorts or panties and bra to sign for a package can feel quite liberating. It’s all about loving who you are.

We can go back to the original man and woman to see that nakedness was natural. They felt no shame as they knew no shame. They were innocent from sin, as they did not know it. They walk with animals, and fur would rub against there skin and they would bask in sunlight and rain. That is true love. Love of the self and love of the existence. Covering up is like suspense, even I like being half naked most of the time. If you haven’t got one, this should make you want to strip and do some work. It’s liberating.
Now, Men wearing dresses; Long sheet to cover the body, you can let it all hang out underneath it. The only people that know would be people in the same culture as you. This make come across kinky but it’s quite normal. Have you ever felt the wind on a your bare breast or chest. It’s swims around your torso and streams away, leaving you touched and caressed. It’s beautiful to be a part of. To often we cover up from shame. But why? Dignity? I’m talking about OVER dressing. Complicating things, I talking about light garments that suite the occasion. Kimono’s are light and elegant. IF you don’t know what they are research Kimono dresses… or Indian dresses they’re beautiful.
We experience men in what looks like to be dresses, in the faith of Islam, or the Scot’s Men.  But I write this blog thinking of Islam & now the Hindu Culture, as I’ve just discovered Hinduism is the oldest religion known to man starting around 4000 BCE.

Anyway… Lots of confusion that’s the point! I believe in Islam. People will say it is a new religion a new book a modern religion. It is a system with fundamental avenues which we practice daily in life and strictness but fun as you can see what I wrote in the above text. It is designed for discipline, training and fortifies gods rules and guidelines which mankind follows whether he or she know’s it or not. That’s why so many people are returning to Islam in the modern day. They are seeking the source. They want to know the REASON, to find out the Purpose for their strife. But unavoidably… the reason for their strife is to have FUN; Pain and Glory.
Now… I doubt know about this but I would do it and it seems like common sense. That underneath the Cultural dresses of Muslim come the joy of freedom, nakedness under the sheets of white & all other colours. Underneath the Burka’s and Thobes & Sari’s is clean naked body & when the wind blows the light material allows the air through the material and wraps the cloth around the body. I love my shirt flowing in the wind. You feel natures power & you enjoy its effect on you. This is what Islam is all about. It’s a modern religion with a traditional culture to follow.
My cousin told me a few years ago that a friend told him that ALL MEN (AS IN MANKIND) ARE BORN MUSLIM. I concur, I concur because of this theory; If we are born Muslim and we don’t know it, because we naturally are, what happens later in life when are spirits grow out of our being and starts to manifest in material ways. What happens then… this is where the confusion arises. They think wearing a dress is cool but its ACTUALLY A THOBE you should be wearing. YOU ARE MUSLIM, you just aren’t conscious of it. Now you know the reason you dress that way. Being in a monotheistic faith with give you order and discipline, the want to please God and follow the law which allow make you a business man in order to have more than one wife for example its stated that if you have more than one wife you must be able to treat both or all wives the same, to do this you must be accomplished, this means smart, intelligent and clever in business in order to provide for you families. It’s hard but once you get on top… YOU’RE A KING.
So Islam will straighten you out. The next thing you need to do after that is research if you’re a cross-dresser but still like women research a zodiac sign that is feminine to date preferably a yang sign. They will make you in a man. Or seek a Scorpio female. They accept only men. So it’s a standard to rise too. You’ll unwrap your masculinity and become with her. If your female and a cross-dresser seek a male Cancer. This is not a definite you have to do your research but this guideline is a starter.
Being homosexual, strong feelings towards men, they probably your life partner/best friend that you have pure love for. Confused - Seek a Saggitarius or Scorpio male friend or Aries. They know women and want women, so they’ll keep you disciplined and focused to toward the opposite sex. #
I’m talking to and about men and women who are Confused and its ruining their lives, this is only a guideline to follow. Do your researches I’ve created a blog about Zodiac Compatibly find out who’s next to you in your life, and make things better. If you’re a feminine male bulk up with a Scorpio -do  you research yourself and other’s. In the ART OF WAR you must know yourself and know others in order to win any battle.


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